When Should You Visit Yucatan’s Sun Drenched Beaches?


Whenever the weather in your vicinity is getting you down and you are looking to go spend some time away to recharge your batteries and just enjoy the sun on an exotic beach, you may want to consider visiting one of Mexico’s Yucatan beach resorts. Since Yucatan enjoys sun drenched and moderate winters, they make a great holiday destination for travelers who suffer from the rainy season blues.

Lets take a quick look at what you can expect from the weather at different intervals of the year.

There are really only two main climate seasons present year round on this Peninsula. The rainy season which runs from May to mid October and the dry, hot season from mid October through to April. However, the rainy season can really have little impact on the dry interior part of this region but as always the coastal region will enjoy regular tropical showers that starts in the late afternoon and that will continue for a good few hours. You can also expect to experience a few tropical storms along the coastline during this time of the year. Even though you might experience sudden, heavy rainfall during the wet season, the storms tend to not last very long and they tend to disappear just as quickly as they started. The benefit is that the rain will steadily cool the air down and turn the night into a nice, cool and pleasant evening.

Peak Hurricane season is from September to October, and it will be advisable to first check a few weather reports before deciding to book a trip to this sunny getaway. Just like the weather, there are also two principal travel seasons which is High and Low. You can expect the High season to start during late December and continue through Easter, but in some parts of the peninsula the high season can even start as early as late November. The Low season on the other hand starts right after Easter and will continue until mid December. If you are looking for some great travel bargains, you will more than likely be able to save between around 25 and 40% percent during the low season.

Regardless of when you decide to travel to Mexico, be sure to include the Yucatan Peninsula in your travel itinerary as you will be sure to find a beach resort that delivers just about everything you were expecting from that perfect beach vacation.

Source by Nadine Lloyd

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