Exploitation Of Poorer People In Developing Countries



The argument is that poorer people in the developing countries are being exploited by organizations from western countries. They alleged that these organizations pay fewer wage to these workers, and force them to work more hours. The officials that are leading these charges have not explored the original situation of these people in order to determine whether these people are better or worse off with these organizations prior to them entering the global market. This argument can be made for three, five, or ten years, and no solution can be reached. All it will do is stop these organizations from creating jobs in order to help these less privileged countries. There is something for everyone; the organizations create jobs for these less privileged countries, and in turn make their own profits. These organizations are not dumb, and will not go to these third world countries if they have to pay workers the same wage as they do in the United States. That does not make sense.


What needs to be done, is for the leaders of these third world countries to get together and find a way to communicate with their own citizens, those, who have different expertise and now living in these advanced countries, and negotiate with them to come back to their birth countries with an incentive of a short-term wage guarantee. Their projects will be aggressive and also include; brainstorming, developing, and implementing some of the business models that they have learned from these developed countries. The leaders should also stop their educated citizens from leaving the countries by creating a program that will help stimulate their interest and keep professionals from leaving their birth countries. The next argument will be that there is no money to embark on this solution. If leaders will stop embezzling all the funds allocated for all the projects, eliminate corruption, venality, and nepotism for the good of their countries, there is no reason why this solution will not be achievable. Professionals from these developing countries will like to go home if there is guarantee for wage and protection.

Achievable Projects

The most important thing to do is to desist from arguing on unachievable insurmountable programs and projects, and start focusing on small and achievable ones for the good of these third world countries. Blaming western countries for the ills of the leaders of these developing countries will not enhance the lives of the people in the underdeveloped countries in any capacity, but rather will only do one thing, and that is to redirect the blame from the leaders of these developing countries to organizations from developed countries, who are creating jobs for these countries. This is an act of distraction. These leaders need some education on leadership mentoring and coaching from advanced countries. The less dependent that these countries will be to the developed countries, the better off both the developed and these third world countries will be, and the more concentration they will have to their own citizens and countries. There is no limit the third world countries will not go if they will just pick small projects or programs one at a time and move one step at a time.

Source by Sidney Okolo

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